a bed with a red sign on the wall

Vacation Travel Scams Are Up 900%

Summer is a peak season for vacation travel. If you're planning a last-minute getaway, be aware of a new scam circulating. With the rising costs of everything from food to travel, it's natural to hunt for the best online deals to enjoy a memorable trip without overspending. However, cybercriminals are exploiting this trend with a sophisticated, AI-generated phishing email scam that can drain more than just your vacation fund. According to Marnie Wilking, CISO of Booking.com, there has been a staggering 500% to 900% increase in travel-related scams over the past 18 months due to this malicious tactic.

How are these scammers operating? Phishing emails have been around since the early days of the Internet, but AI tools like ChatGPT now make it easier to craft realistic and professional-looking scam emails that can deceive even the savviest readers. Unlike older phishing attempts that were often marred by spelling and grammatical errors, AI-generated emails appear legitimate and frequently bypass both software and human detection.

Here's how the scam works:

Scammers exploit platforms like Booking.com or Airbnb.com, which allow individuals to list short-term rentals. They send emails advertising incredible rates or urgent deals on nonexistent properties. Once someone pays, the scammers either vanish with the money, leaving the renter without accommodation, or they send follow-up emails to extract additional "fees" or "charges" before disappearing.

It's important to note that these vacation-targeted phishing scams are not new. The difference now is that AI makes these scams more convincing, leading to more victims.

What can you do to protect yourself?

Vacationers can take several essential steps to avoid falling prey to these scams:

  1. Use two-factor or multifactor authentication: This adds an extra layer of security by requiring a confirmation code sent to your phone each time you log in, helping to prevent phishing attacks and credential theft.
  2. Avoid clicking on email links: If you receive an email promoting a deal that seems too good to be true, it probably is. Instead, visit the website directly and search for the offer. If you can't find it, you likely dodged a scam.
  3. Verify property details before booking: Ensure that contact information and reviews are readily available. Check if other verified users have stayed at the property. If so, it's less likely to be a scam.
  4. Use credit cards for online purchases: Debit cards linked directly to your bank account are risky because recovering stolen funds can be challenging. Credit cards offer an additional layer of protection.

Above all, stay vigilant. Scrutinize every email offer you receive and adhere to cybersecurity best practices. While standard security software can detect some scam emails, it's crucial to remain cautious and watch for red flags.

Personal scams may ruin a vacation, but business breaches can cost you and your family their livelihood. To keep your network secure, call us at 866-214-8324 or click here to book a FREE consult with our cyber security experts, who can help you create a plan that protects you. We are here to help! Enjoy a well-deserved break this summer, and remember to be cybersmart.